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As we take on each day of our lives, we sometimes find ourselves stuck in some situations or some emotions. There were times when I questioned God why all this happens. Why do I not find myself moving forward although the days just go by? In those moments of our life we just feel as though we have lost our way and just can’t hear the voice of god in our lives. In those places of our lives we just feel as though we are in the middle of nowhere. Maybe as you are reading this, you are in one of those moments of your life. But I want to encourage you and say that there is still hope in Jesus and that this situation is so much different when we see it from “God’s eye view”.

Let me explain what I really mean by “God’s eye view”.
When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice.                                                                                                           John 10:4                                      
This is how God sees your life- He puts you through rough and hard times in your life that you will know His voice and that you will know Him. If we do not go through the hard times we may still KNOW ABOUT God but we will never KNOW God. Sometimes we think we know God just because we know all the stories and facts that are written about this GOD. But, unless and until we are put through the test we will never know God personally. Only if you know God personally will you not go astray as you will know God inside out. God’s intention is not to harm you but to make you prosperous and a better son or daughter in His Kingdom. 

 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
                                                Jeremiah 29:11  

God is taking you through the tough situations not to break your heart but to rather help you to trust in His voice alone, the shepherd’s voice. He wants you to trust in Him completely and be dependent on Him for anything and everything. The God we serve is a very jealous God and He will go to any extent to just be with you. He wants you to allow Him to be a big part of His life that you will go to Him for everything.

Just trust Him blindly and believe in Him because He will never make a mistake in your life as He is the one who has formed you in your mother’s womb and has perfected you in all your ways. He knows what is best for and when you will need what. Don’t hesitate to give your life to this amazing loving God cause He is all you will ever need.


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