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Errors and mistakes are what make human beings - human beings. Every person on earth has some imperfection in them of some sort and there is no one on this earth who has never made a mistake in their lives. This is the reason and the idea behind most or nearly all the latest technology that we see right now on the face of the earth. Most of the inventions made my man was to overcome this one quality that is naturally present in every person- “BROKENNESS”. But most of the times we fail to realise the fact that it is this one quality that makes us human.

On a general basis, I think, that many people try to fight this one character built into them by various means and ways. Some pose themselves as bullies, while others become introverts, some put on a fake mask and pose to everyone a version of themselves that they are not and so on and so forth. But in reality, all these kinds of people are just living a lie. They are actually convincing themselves that they are someone whom they aren’t. But the truth is that there is only one person in this whole universe who can actually make use of that brokenness and turn it into a natural beauty.

I usually compare the topic that I write on with a character from the bible, but this time I am going to prove to you that Jesus is the answer to your brokenness not from just another character but from the very character- “JESUS”.

Let me start with this scripture, Mathew 26:26

As they were eating, Jesus took some bread and blessed it. Then he broke it in pieces and gave it to the disciples, saying, “Take this and eat it, for this is my body.”

Break Bread Quotes. QuotesGramHere Jesus is saying to his disciples that the broken was his body as in HIM. Why I specify it is him is to prove the fact that brokenness is what makes us human. This passage is from the moments that Jesus spent with His disciples just before he was to be crucified on the cross for the atonement of all the sins that we humans have done and are to do. But why break the bread, well the answer is that Jesus had to be a sacrifice for the sins that humans were to do and so he had to be like them. The one thing that all humans have in common is that they are all broken in one way or another- mentally, physically, emotionally etc... and if He would break His body then it would make Him the perfect sacrifice for the sins that humans did or were to do. 
The greatness of this passage or just about Jesus is that the answer to our brokenness also lies in this very passage. And the answer would be as simple as believing in Jesus and starting a brand-new relationship with Him. You might possible be thinking, and I quote- “wait, wait, wait the answer to my brokenness is to simply believe in Jesus?”.  And my reply would be “YES!!!”. And that’s just the beauty in Jesus, it's just that simple. All you have to do is simply believe in Jesus and start a relationship with Him. And you will find your very own life surprising you because you will find all of those BROKENNESS TURNED TO BEAUTY.

My life is a testimony to these words that I write and that is why I can assure you that this will definitely work. My life has been a life with a lot of regrets and internal pain until I started a relationship with Jesus. I would always find myself in a state of brokenness, not only in one area of my life but in nearly all. Let me give you the example of this one part of my brokenness that you would get a picture how much of a broken person I was and how Jesus changed all that brokenness into beauty. I am person who found myself being filled with anxiety at all times that I would hesitate to even talk to a waiter in a restaurant. It might probably be funny, like who is even afraid of talking to a waiter, but let me give you an insight of what would happen in my head. My thought process would be like what “if the person shouts at me” or “just shuts me off” or some weird possibility that would like never even happen. It may sound funny but this is what would happen over in my head and I used to struggle so much to talk to a new person. I would have so much anxiety rising up inside of me and I would never talk to people until I knew that I can trust the person 100%. And that would probably take a few hours or so. So now you get how much broken I was. But once I started a relationship with Jesus he changed all this brokenness into a beauty. He started to teach me about peace and how to tackle anxiety. Jesus strengthened me from within and all I had to do was simply believe in Him and give my life completely to him and have a relationship with him. Now he is using the same mouth to speak God’s heart out to people that they can have an encounter with God. All this turning of the tables happened only when I gave my life to Jesus and started living with Jesus 24/7 and stopped using him like a wending machine to which we go to only when we need Him.


For it says,
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Seek GOD not the part that comes along with Him. When this verse says ‘all’ these things it literally means ‘ALL’.


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