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Doing the will of God may sound so easy but in action, it seems very hard. The task although is simple it takes a lot of gut and grit to complete the task the way God wants it to be done. Why I say this is because sometimes doing the will of God means less of my joy and happiness, it means to sacrifice some things I love a lot, it means to throw the things I enjoy being with, it means the end of certain relationships and so on. Often times we tend to wonder why the will of God is the way it is. But there is a way to do this “will of God”.

In John 15:16 Jesus says this

16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit-fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.
                                                                       john 15:16

Here we see Jesus mentioning his will to be bearing fruit. We do not find the answer as to how to do this will of God here. But the answer lies at the beginning of the chapter in verse 4.

4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.
                                                                       john 15:4 
Here Jesus says that the only way to bear fruit (or in other words to do the will of God) is to abide in him and that he must abide in us. What does Jesus mean by saying abide in me? Well, what He literally means is that we must let God into our lives or in other words allow God to be a part of our lives. And how do we do this? It's pretty simple, all you have to do is involve God in all that you do. 

Let me give you an example that you may understand what I am telling. Say, you are in a grocery shop and you forgot to take something and do not know what it is; normally what we would do is bang our heads and try to remember what we forget but instead just ask God what you forgot in your mind like a small prayer and guess what, you will not only remember what you forgot but also make God happy by this act.

Why I ask you to do this is, as you keep doing similar acts such as this you not only achieve what you want but also are constantly having a conversation with God and as you involve God in all that you do, you will be able to live in the correct and perfect will of God. He will not let you do anything other than His will. This is just a way of abiding in Jesus. Our God loves to be needed and wants us to be God-dependent for anything and everything. As we keep doing this we will find doing the will of much easier and not so hard as we would have always involved God in our decisions. 

Jesus himself is the perfect example of abiding in God and doing his will at all times. His is why he says 
Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work
john 4:34 
Don’t ever think to do the will of God as pain, do it with Joy, enjoy it. It will make your life far better. Because his ways are not our ways. He is beyond us in all ways possible. Just go with God to wherever he leads you J


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