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Problems, worries, hardships, difficulties, pain, toil, confusion, chaos and many more just like these are a part of everyone’s life. We all go through these even if we don’t ask for them, in fact, nobody wants these things in their life. But, these problems and other disturbances are allowed in our lives by the God who created us. You might think ‘why such a Good and Loving God would allow this into our lives’ but the truth is that He sure will allow these things in our lives for a greater plan and a greater purpose. We will not understand it at the moment we go through the situation but we sure will understand it when we get to the other side of the problem and look back.

Why I say that the problems that come on your way as you take on life are for a purpose, is because every problem that the Lord allows in your life will point to a deeper character of God or convict you of some mistake you’re doing or teach you something you didn’t know earlier or to do something so great in your life that you would have never even imagined or just to show you how it feels to be in those situations, that when someone in the future tells you a similar situation that they’re going through, you will definitely understand. Because the God that we serve is the mastermind of all happening of our lives. He has everything in his hands and he never will make a mistake in your life.

Let me explain what I mean by saying “YOUR PROBLEM HAS A PURPOSE”. Let me take the example of Joseph from the bible. Let me tell you how joseph’s problems had a great purpose At the end of his story. So, josephs story starts with him being the most special boy in a family of 10 older brothers. His father was Jacob and Jacob loved Joseph so much that he gave him a robe so beautiful that Joseph's brothers were jealous of him. They were so jealous that they went to the extent of selling him as a slave to the Egyptians. That was the FIRST problem that Joseph faced in his life. 

As Joseph was in Egypt as the slave to Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. As he was working in Potiphar’s house he was so faithful in all that he did that God blessed the house of Potiphar because of Joseph. 
The Lord was with Joseph, so he succeeded in everything he did as he served in the home of his Egyptian master. Potiphar noticed this and realized that the Lord was with Joseph, giving him success in everything he did.
Genesis 39:2-3
 And his life went on like this. But when Potiphar wasn’t there in the house his wife would call Joseph to lie with her as he was so handsome. But he tore his clothes and said to her that he wouldn’t sin against his master and GOD. So the wife of Potiphar said falsely against Joseph and Potiphar was angry and put him in the prison. This was the SECOND problem that Joseph went through even though he did no mistake. Even then Joseph was faithful in what he did that he was in charge of the prisoners. In the prison, he had the cupbearer and baker of the king with him. And both of them had a dream on the same day and Joseph interpreted the dream and the interpretation was right. And the cupbearer returned to the palace as the cupbearer. Joseph asked of him to tell to the king that he is in prison for doing no mistake. But the cupbearer forgot to tell so.

As Joseph was going through all this pain and hardship and problem for no reason the GOD who created him showed up in the midst of the storm and raging sea. God had given the king 2 dreams on 2 consecutive days that the king did not understand. As the king wanted to know the meaning of the dream he saw, he asked all his great ministers and counselors, but none were able to say the right interpretation for it. At this time the cupbearer remembered Joseph and told the king of how Joseph was able to interpret the dream that he had seen. So the king ordered Joseph to be brought to him. And Joseph was able to interpret the dream which was about the famine that was to come 7 years later. So the king made him second in power in all of Egypt and gave him his signet ring. All the problems and worries in joseph’s life turned out to be the way for the purpose that God had for his life.

1. If Joseph did not come to Egypt then no one would have been aware of the famine that was to come.
2. If Joseph did not go to the prison for a mistake he never did then he wouldn’t have met the cupbearer and the king would have never known about Joseph.

This is why I say that the problems in your life are all for a purpose, don’t ever give up on MY GOD because He will show up in ways, in times, in seasons, in places, through means you could have never imagined in your wildest dreams. Just hold onto Him and His promises cause my GOD IS A PROMISE KEEPER. For,


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