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Showing posts from April, 2019


As we take on each day of our lives, we sometimes find ourselves stuck in some situations or some emotions. There were times when I questioned God why all this happens. Why do I not find myself moving forward although the days just go by? In those moments of our life we just feel as though we have lost our way and just can’t hear the voice of god in our lives. In those places of our lives we just feel as though we are in the middle of nowhere. Maybe as you are reading this, you are in one of those moments of your life. But I want to encourage you and say that there is still hope in Jesus and that this situation is so much different when we see it from “God’s eye view”. Let me explain what I really mean by “God’s eye view”. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice.                                                                                                              John 10:4                    


Many-a-times we find frustration just hanging out with us like a friend who would just not let go.  Frustration is one of the emotions every person goes through and the one that really is not cool. One would do anything to get out of it. But the truth is that it's not so easy to come out of it, especially when it involves JESUS   in the scenario. Why I say this is because, God gives us many promises in our lives and many at times we don’t see all those promises come to pass.  Often times it is that the fulfilment of these promises are the need of the hour in our lives. It is at these times when we get really frustrated about the whole move of God. As this continues we just tend to doubt and question the very existence of the creator Himself. It is very common and many-a-times we do not know how to come out of this.    Sometimes we’re in the place of Abraham where God promises Issac in his life and all chances of Issac coming into the world was nearly around 0%. Still Ab


We all go through hard and tough times in our lives. In these situations we often tend to ask “why me?”or “is this really happening to me?”or “I wish this was just a dream ”, but the truth is you can’t change the past or its consequences but what you can do change is your next action. Many at times we wonder and even question God why He allows such situations in our lives. It   is true that it is hard to go through such situations. You   can’t always ask the question ‘why’ to God cause you just won’t get any answer. The truth is, it’s not about what we go through but about what we become through the chaos and struggle. Let me explain what I truly mean by saying this. Let me take the example of moses and the Israelites coming out of Egypt. Now when Pharaoh had let the people go, God did not lead them by the way of the land of the Philistines, even though it was near; for God said, The  people might change their minds when they see war, and return to Egypt.  


we all go through situations in our lives where we are left in situations where we just so desperately want to do a certain thing but God says something that’s just idiotic or foolish to our little brains that God has given us. Let me explain this with an example again from Moses’ life. Then the LORD said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to Me? Tell the sons of Israel to go forward.  “As for you, lift up  your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it, and the sons of Israel shall  go through the midst of the sea on dry land.                              Exodus 14:15-16 In this passage, we see God talking in a very different way. He literally is asking moses “Why are you crying out to Me? Tell the sons of Israel to go forward.”. well  the people of israel is in the shore line and they have no where to go and God is saying”GO FORWARD”. God then continues to say to Moses “DIVIDE THE SEA”. There are two things that God is asking moses to do here 1.go forwa