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Anxiety is one the feeling that any person on this planet would have had in his or her lifetime because this one feeling is inevitable. This feeling is a very disturbing feeling as it can lead a person to take some really bad choices when a particular situation is filled with “anxiousness”. This is how google defines anxiety.It says in this definition that this feeling called “anxiety” comes in situations where the ‘outcome is uncertain’. This anxiety makes us very much unstable in our mind and dooms our minds blurring the clarity that we have. Technically speaking, in situations like going to a new job or attending an interview or taking an exam for the first time, anxiety is inevitable because it is the natural response of our body to those situations. Being anxious is not wrong but if you are going to process your anxiousness in the wrong way that is wrong. The only way by which you can process it the right way is by looking at the situation in “ THE PEACE P


The first world map denotes the religions present all across the world and the second world map shows how Christianity is spread across the world. Looking at this data we can conclude that Christianity is the most wide spread religion on the face of the earth. This religion called “CHRISTIANITY” has the greatest number of followers worldwide. But JESUS who is the deity of this big religion does not see this as a religion at all. Now this might seem a bit weird, but it is the PLAIN TRUTH.  Let me tell you why I say that Jesus does not see this whole idea of so-called” Christianity” as a religion. When Jesus lived on this earth as a man, He went about preaching and teaching to everyone he sees. He said a few things about the idea of Christianity that does not qualify it to be a “ RELIGION ” rather as a “ RELATIONSHIP ”. Let me give you one such example; see this verse from the book of John who was a disciple of Jesus himself. But as many as received him, to them gav


Problems, worries, hardships, difficulties, pain, toil, confusion, chaos and many more just like these are a part of everyone’s life. We all go through these even if we don’t ask for them, in fact, nobody wants these things in their life. But, these problems and other disturbances are allowed in our lives by the God who created us. You might think ‘why such a Good and Loving God would allow this into our lives’ but the truth is that He sure will allow these things in our lives for a greater plan and a greater purpose. We will not understand it at the moment we go through the situation but we sure will understand it when we get to the other side of the problem and look back. Why I say that the problems that come on your way as you take on life are for a purpose, is because every problem that the Lord allows in your life will point to a deeper character of God or convict you of some mistake you’re doing or teach you something you didn’t know earlier or to do something so great in y