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Anxiety is one the feeling that any person on this planet would have had in his or her lifetime because this one feeling is inevitable. This feeling is a very disturbing feeling as it can lead a person to take some really bad choices when a particular situation is filled with “anxiousness”.

This is how google defines anxiety.It says in this definition that this feeling called “anxiety” comes in situations where the ‘outcome is uncertain’. This anxiety makes us very much unstable in our mind and dooms our minds blurring the clarity that we have.
Technically speaking, in situations like going to a new job or attending an interview or taking an exam for the first time, anxiety is inevitable because it is the natural response of our body to those situations. Being anxious is not wrong but if you are going to process your anxiousness in the wrong way that is wrong. The only way by which you can process it the right way is by looking at the situation in “THE PEACE PERSPECTIVE”.

Actually there is nothing so called anxiousness. There is only peace. Why I say this is because anxiousness is simply the absence of peace the same way darkness is the absence of light. So what is this peace perspective that I’m talking about? I see peace as only a perspective because when you operate peace you are not changing your situation, you are just choosing to look at it differently.

Let me give you a pictorial representation of what peace perspective is and what anxiety perspective is. The first image is what anxiety looks like and the second image is what peace look like

i)                                        ii)


In both the cases the object never changed it was a cube in the first perspective while it still remained a cube in the second perspective. But to identify that was a cube we needed the second perspective. Anxiety comes into picture when actually don’t know what the full picture is.

Peace perspective is always a choice. Why I say this is because, for any given situation we always have a choice to either look at it in the peace perspective at the same time we can also choose to look at it in the anxiety perspective.

Now I’ve told what the peace perspective is but how do we actually operate in this perspective?

Let me tell the answer to that question by giving you an example. In the book of mark chapter 5 and verses 21 to 43 talks about how a man named Jairus comes to Jesus asking Him to heal his daughter as she is at the point of her death. In the passage Jesus agrees to Jairus and follows Jairus to his house to meet his daughter. Right now if you would think, anxiety is the only feeling that would have been there in Jairus’ head. But in addition to the present problems already in his life 2 other things add up which drives him even more crazy making his situation worse that where it was earlier.

Image result for woman who touched the hem of jesus garment
Firstly, some woman on Jesus’ way to Jairus’ home touched the  of his garment believing that she will be healed if she does that and accordingly it so happens. But the problem isn’t that a woman was healed, the problem was that as soon as the woman touched the hem of Jesus’ garment Jesus stopped walking to Jairus’ house and asked the crowd who touched him and the woman confessed what happened and it became so late and the servants of Jairus came to him from his house and said to him that his daughter died which is the second problem.

Right now I want you to keep yourself in Jairus’ position and think of what would be running in your head if you knew that there was someone who can heal your daughter as she is bedridden and that person could not heal your daughter and she dies because he was so busy healing other’s sickness on the way to your house. If I were there I would probably go crazy mad and not know what to do, with the whole world spinning around and the feeling “anxiety” would be at its peak at that very moment. Which is not anything out of the ordinary as it is natural for our body to react in that way.

What I described right now is the anxiety perspective. But the story doesn’t end here. And this other part of the story talks about the peace perspective. The story goes on like this, after Jairus’ servants tell him that his daughter is dead Jesus says this “DO NOT FEAR, ONLY BELIEVE”. this statement, some of you might think is very illogical and out of context for this situation. But get this, what Jesus actually is saying is, “STOP LOOKING IN THE ANXIETY PERSPECTIVE, START LOOKING IN THE PEACE PERSPECTIVE” and you might say,” there’s nothing more to look at in this situation”.

Well, let me give you an insight or revelation of what happens when you operate in the peace perspective. Since it is a perspective you get to see certain thing that others do not see.
1.     When Jesus says “do not fear, only believe “he also means if I can heal a lady suffering from a disease in a minute then I am also able to raise your daughter from the dead if that’s what is needed. (here we get to see a quality of Jesus that others don’t get to see if they are seeing in the anxiety perspective)
2.     If we continue reading the scriptures Jesus says in verse 39 “the child is not dead but ‘sleeping’” here we see that Jesus is operating in the peace perspective which enables Him to see even the dead things to be with life.
What this tells us is that when you are operating in the peace perspective you get see the quality or attribute of God that gives the faith for you to trust in God although you don’t see things in the natural and this faith in turn will help you to look at all the dead and doomed situation of yours to be alive and living.

Image result for jesus raising jairus daughterContinuing with the story, after Jesus says “the child is not dead but ‘sleeping’” everyone around Him started laughing at Him. often when you operate in the peace perspective and you look at things differently people around you who don’t see things the way you see them will start laughing at you don’t look at them or think you’re making a mistake, just trust in God and surround yourself with people who also operate in the peace perspective the same way Jesus surrounded him just Peter, James, John and the parents of the girl. Maybe you think you don’t have anyone who operate in the peace perspective, it’s not a problem because you always have Jesus with you who turns out to be always operating in the peace perspective. After Jesus had only these people in the room he took the girl by hand and said “arise, little girl” and the girl got up and started walking. And that’s how the story ends.

As you are reading this maybe you’re just in the middle of a story in which all you were doing was looking and assessing your situation based on the anxiety perspective. But can I encourage you to make a voluntary choice to look at your situation in the peace perspective. Because when you do this, you will not only have victory in the problem that you are facing but have victory without any strain at all. All you have to do is trust God and believe in Him and he will definitely help you to not only look at  all your dead situations with life but actually bring them back to life the same way he brought that little girl in jairus’ story back to life J


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