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Showing posts from December, 2020


In this blog, we will look at David as an example so you get clarity on the 5 aspects of your life. David from the bible is a very interesting person. He was called to be king, which is a huge responsibility. Let’s look into these 5 aspects of David’s life and see how they had an influence in his life in fulfilling the calling God had kept over his life. 1.LIKES       David liked to sing to the lord The book of psalms is evidence to the fact that David loved to sing praises to God.       He liked to hang out with friends The bible records various instances when David and Jonathon meet together.  2.DISLIKES       Blaspheming against God David didn’t like when someone blasphemed against the living God. he just hated it and that is the reason why he went against Goliath in battle.        Disrespecting the Lord’s anointed The Bible repeatedly records David saying to people around him that no one is to kill or do harm to the Lord’s anointed king Saul. He even killed the person w


Does the answer to who are you end with finding your personality? No, the answer has a bit more to it than just finding your personality. There are 5 important aspects of each person’s life that you must know to have a complete understanding of who you are. These 5 aspects will also help you get a better understanding of the calling God has kept over you. Although it will not precisely tell you what your calling is, it will give you a clearer picture of the calling than what you previously had. With the help of your personality that you wrote above and the holy spirit, you can easily find these 5 aspects of your life.  The 5 aspects: • Likes • Dislikes • Talents • Strengths • Weaknesses Before I get into the five aspects, I want you to understand something. What I’m going to tell you is not some formula or method by which you can find your calling. Because I can’t tell you what God has for you. Only God can do that. Therefore, I ask of you that you sit alone and spend time wi