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Showing posts from July, 2019


Problems, worries, hardships, difficulties, pain, toil, confusion, chaos and many more just like these are a part of everyone’s life. We all go through these even if we don’t ask for them, in fact, nobody wants these things in their life. But, these problems and other disturbances are allowed in our lives by the God who created us. You might think ‘why such a Good and Loving God would allow this into our lives’ but the truth is that He sure will allow these things in our lives for a greater plan and a greater purpose. We will not understand it at the moment we go through the situation but we sure will understand it when we get to the other side of the problem and look back. Why I say that the problems that come on your way as you take on life are for a purpose, is because every problem that the Lord allows in your life will point to a deeper character of God or convict you of some mistake you’re doing or teach you something you didn’t know earlier or to do something so great in y...


But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.   Ephesians 2:4-5 God out of His love for humankind sent his one and only son, Jesus Christ, and has given us the salvation of our lives because of His son’s death. It is because of this act of love that we are alive till this very day. If not for the grace that God has shown to the human race, I do not know in what state we all would be in our lives. We would all probably be worse than the previous generation and lost our lives completely. But all that did not happen in our lives because of Jesus the lord and savior of our lives.  Why I talk specifically of this grace and mercy and love that God has shown on our lives in this blog is because most of the time this MINDBLOWING act of the God of all creation becomes a FAMILIAR thing in our lives. This amazing event that changed the course of histo...