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When we talk about love from the bible it is mostly about the love of GOD. Very rarely do we talk about the love that we are to show to the father for all that he has done in our lives and for who he is in our lives. This blog is about the love that we are to show to the king of kings and lord of lords of the universe. Why I stress so much on the love we show to God is because of the fact that one of the 2 laws of the New testament plainly is to love God.

This is the  greatest command, but how do we actually follow it ? Well the answer lies in two verses in the bible. 

                                                                         - John 14:15 and 21 -
if you love me , you will keep my commandments.
Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.
These two verses tell us the same thing. The two verses say that if we love god we will obey his commandments and if we keep his commandments that means we love him. It’s the same thing told in two different ways. This means that LOVE & OBEDIENCE are hand in hand. This means that we cannot separate love and obedience. If we love God we will automatically obey God and if we obey God we will automatically love God. From these two verses we get the answer to ”how to love God?” its pretty simple- just keep obeying all that is written in his word as he is the word so all that is written in the word I equivalent to the words that come from the mouth of God. 

But what we truly have to ponder into is the sentence after that-“and I will love him and manifest myself to him.”. We would have heard some people say to us “you say that you love God but see what you do”. Well it is in those situations that we make the mistake of letting God down through our actions. Here we see Jesus saying that if we really love God and keep his commandments then He will manifest himself in the one who loves him. Most of the times we fail to manifest Jesus in all that we do. But we still say that we love God like the example that I quoted earlier. But Jesus says, 


As you are reading this, can I encourage you to check yourself and see whether you manifest God in things you do and ask God to help you love him for who he is and for what he has done. your love towards him decides your love towards others. As His love increases in. You will automatically start showing love to others. You don’t have to push it. It will just flow out of you if you have it in you.


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