W hen you say the word “OIL”, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Well this is what came to my mind: it is a fuel and can be used to burn. Well, google defines oil as such: Oils have a lot of uses both now and in the olden days. In the present day, it is mainly used as a fuel and also to make chemicals and as a lubricant. Whereas in the olden days it was used in marriages, death ceremonies, to clean, to cook etc… But I’m not going to talk about all of these above listed uses. I'm going to talk about the anointing oil mentioned in the bible in several occasions that was used specifically to anoint, thus its name. you might be wondering what this anointing oil is, cause nobody seems to be using it nowadays. Well the bible not only talks about instances where it was used but also gives us every single detail we need to know about it. Let me turn your attention to the scriptures from the book of exodus and chapter 30 verses 22-33. Verses 22 to...
-and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free-