Errors and mistakes are what make human beings - human beings. Every person on earth has some imperfection in them of some sort and there is no one on this earth who has never made a mistake in their lives. This is the reason and the idea behind most or nearly all the latest technology that we see right now on the face of the earth. Most of the inventions made my man was to overcome this one quality that is naturally present in every person- “BROKENNESS”. But most of the times we fail to realise the fact that it is this one quality that makes us human. On a general basis, I think, that many people try to fight this one character built into them by various means and ways. Some pose themselves as bullies, while others become introverts, some put on a fake mask and pose to everyone a version of themselves that they are not and so on and so forth. But in reality, all these kinds of people are just living a lie. They are actually convincing themselves that they are someone whom th...
-and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free-