The first world map denotes the religions present all across the world and the second world map shows how Christianity is spread across the world. Looking at this data we can conclude that Christianity is the most wide spread religion on the face of the earth. This religion called “CHRISTIANITY” has the greatest number of followers worldwide. But JESUS who is the deity of this big religion does not see this as a religion at all. Now this might seem a bit weird, but it is the PLAIN TRUTH. Let me tell you why I say that Jesus does not see this whole idea of so-called” Christianity” as a religion. When Jesus lived on this earth as a man, He went about preaching and teaching to everyone he sees. He said a few things about the idea of Christianity that does not qualify it to be a “ RELIGION ” rather as a “ RELATIONSHIP ”. Let me give you one such example; see this verse from the book of John who was a disciple of Jesus himself. But as many as received him, to them...
-and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free-