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Showing posts from June, 2019


  FAITH is something we all need to face life. sometimes life requires of us to take a leap of faith trusting in the creator that he will make it possible even when it seems to be impossible. The God whom we are talking about is  a person who will act according to the degree of faith we show towards him. let me give you an example, in the Bible in Mark 5: 23, Jairus is saying to Jesus   My little daughter is near death. Come and lay your hands on her so that she may be healed and live. and see what Jesus does there in Mark 5:41    Then, gently taking the child by the hand, he said to her, "Talitha koum," which means, 'Little girl, I say to you, get up.' so just as Jairus asked it says in this verse that Jesus took the child by the hand and brought the girl back to life. Y ou see, God will answer to the degree of faith we show towards him. and that's what will bring your miracle one step closer towards you. Even though you don't see it, just tru


Past is one thing that every person on this earth is making every day without their knowledge. Sometimes we find this past to be good and sometimes to be bad, but no matter how it is we can never change it, that is the power the past has. it is likely that this past of a person has a lot of influence on the very person’s present and their future, their decisions, their lifestyle, the way they react to certain situations and so on. You could have even heard about certain people who took the biggest decision of their life because of a particular event that took place in their life. Some people even say that the reason behind their great success is one speech they heard or something like that.  Many-a-times we fail to realize the power the past has on us and how that can affect us in ways we would have never imagined. Even the bible talks about this “past” we are talking about. In the book of Acts chapter 9 verses 36 – 41 we see how Peter bring a dead woman back to life by the


Reality.   Google defines reality as "the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them." As believers of Christ, we often fail to see the true reality. Why I say true reality is because we often think what we see with our mortal eyes is the reality, but it is not so for a believer as there is a much more real "kingdom of God" and it's enemy the "kingdom of Darkness".   The truth is that when we accept Jesus as our personal savior we become a part of the kingdom of Heaven and we are not just an average human being. As we accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour we not only achieve eternal life but also receive citizenship from heaven. Heavenly citizenship does not mean we can just while away our time. It means much more that. As the kingdom of God is at war with the kingdom of darkness at all times, we are also to fight with the dark kingdom or in simply the devil. The battles we face in the spirit


When we talk about love from the bible it is mostly about the love of GOD. Very rarely do we talk about the love that we are to show to the father for all that he has done in our lives and for who he is in our lives. This blog is about the love that we are to show to the king of kings and lord of lords of the universe. Why I stress so much on the love we show to God is because of the fact that one of the 2 laws of the New testament plainly is to love God. This is the  greatest command, but how do we actually follow it ? Well the answer lies in two verses in the bible.                                                                           - John 14:15 and 21 - if you love me , you will keep my commandments.                                                 & Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him. These two verses tell us the same