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Showing posts from 2021


Biology was one of the subjects I didn’t like a lot in school. I don’t know why but I never found it interesting, maybe you’re like me or not. But, either way, we are forced to learn the subject up till grade 10(at least in India). In the subject, I learned about the human body, all the parts in it, how they work and so on. Today we are going to see more on the body we learned in the biology class as a continuation of the tripartite series.  In this blog, we are going to see the answer to 3 questions about the body, which sums it up well. • What is it? • How is it? • How should it be? 1.WHAT IS IT? The body is basically all that we can see in ourselves physically. The eyes, the nose, the legs and so on. It is also the internal parts and organs that we don’t see. Like the brain, the heart, the hormones and enzymes secreted etc.  The body is not just a matter of organs and parts. It is more than that. It has some other functions to play too. Functions we don’t always reali...


Hey, guys hope y'all are doing good. I’m going to be sharing what God is speaking to me in the blog every week, so stay tuned and come back to get a word of encouragement and revelation from God. Also, the blog is in the form of a podcast. You can find the links to the podcast in the podcast tab. All of this aside, let’s get to the blog. When you think of the season that we as the whole world are going through with the widespread of the covid virus, it’s as though we were given no time to even think about what was happening. It was like a wave that hit us, we never expected. A similar situation is where the disciples find themselves in Matthew 14:22 Immediately after this, Jesus insisted that his disciples get back into the boat and cross to the other side of the lake, while he sent the people home. The word immediately shows the transition from one of the greatest miracles performed by Jesus to a stormy and wavy sea they never expected. They had no time to process the miracle, ye...


In this blog, we will continue from where we left. We saw that the human design has three parts in it collectively called the tripartite. today we will see more on the functions of the tripartite.  Before we look into the functions, we need to understand the layout of the tripartite. the layout can be understood utilizing three concentric circles. The innermost being the spirit, the middle circle being the soul and the outermost circle depicting the body.    The layout shows that the soul and the spirit are inside the body. The soul is in the middle, which means that the soul is the place of choice between the inputs from the body and spirit. The diagram also tells us that all three parts of the tripartite are interconnected in harmony. They function together in one accord to enable us to live on the earth. On to the functions of the tripartite. Each part has a specific function to play in the human design and can only be played by it. BODY: The physical body and all part...

THE TRIPARTITE - Introduction

We have been looking at the answer to the question ‘who are you?’ from the personality perspective. Now, we are going to look at the answer to the same question from the tripartite perspective. The personality perspective is a very personal way of seeing who you are. Your answer to ‘who are you?’ from the personality perspective will be unique and only applicable to you. Whereas, the tripartite perspective is God’s design of mankind.  Tripartite stands for spirit, soul and body - the three parts of a human being. It is the spirit, soul and body that makes a human being to function in fullness. In order to have a complete understanding of the tripartite, we need to look at it from the point of origin. Therefore, our journey of learning about the tripartite starts from the creation scene. Eden garden, the divine place where man started his life on earth. The garden where the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil was found. It is in that garden,  God revealed Hi...