Emotions are a part of everyone’s life and we can’t remove it. Emotions are yet another tool for the devil to play in our lives. emotions by themselves are not wrong or sinful. But when these emotions are pushed to the extreme they always lead us to sin. The book of James records the same thing, but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. James 1:14-15 Here James uses the word desire . This can be interpreted as an 'extreme emotion'. Because James says that they are dragged away and enticed which is what happens when emotions reach the extreme state. The devil does not push the emotions to the extreme but he triggers us to do so. We are the one who is sinning, but he provokes us to do it. He uses people around us, things that are said over us, things that happen to others and many other triggers that d...
-and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free-