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Showing posts from August, 2020

THE CALLING - Know your enemy

As we are in the journey of learning about ‘the calling’ God has kept over our lives, we need to know about our enemy. The enemy is the one who is always waiting to stop us from doing the will of God in our lives. Therefore, we must have a complete understanding of our enemy and his strategies. This will help us to overcome the oppositions and trials on our way that we may stand in our calling till the end.   Under this topic, I am going to talk, in a practical manner, on what are the things that the devil will bring on our way in the walk with God, how he does that and how to overcome it all. Firstly, let’s look into the solution before we go to the problem, but the truth is that you already know the answer to the problem. Well, if you are wondering what the solution is? The answer is- relationship with God. I have already explained in detail about the various aspects of this relationship we are to have with God. Let me remind you of the 3 things that happen in the relationship with


Welcome to this blog as I continue the series 'THE CALLING'. In the previous blog, we saw in-depth about what the calling of God is. In this blog, we are going to see how to walk in the calling of god over our lives. Now that we have understood ‘what’ the calling of God is and some of the important things about the calling of God over our lives, let us go to Matthew 7:21, where we saw Jesus saying that doing the will of God is the only way to enter heaven and If we read further, the scriptures say like this: On judgment day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.’   But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.’ Matthew 7:22-23 Here we see Jesus saying what He meant when He said ‘WILL OF GOD’ in the previous verse. In other terms, Jesus is saying how we are to stand and pursue the calling of God over our lives. In verse 22, Jesus says that just beca