Worry is an emotion that we cannot avoid in our lives, as there is always something in our lives to worry about. Everyone who is reading this is worrying or has been worrying because of the present situation of the world. With the rise of the pandemic in the world, everybody is worried about how they are going to get through another day. Worrying is something all of us do even in the absence of a worldwide pandemic. It is mostly a part of our lives and most of the times we don’t even recognize the fact that we are consumed by worry. We would even find ourselves in situations where we would not be able to do any work at house or where we study just because something else was running at the back of our mind that constantly kept bothering us. It may be some situation we couldn’t figure out a solution for. Anything for that matter it’s not about what keeps us worried but rather the fact that we choose to worry. Do you ever think that you could be someone whose life has everythin...
-and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free-