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Showing posts from June, 2020


Worry is an emotion that we cannot avoid in our lives, as there is always something in our lives to worry about. Everyone who is reading this is worrying or has been worrying because of the present situation of the world. With the rise of the pandemic in the world, everybody is worried about how they are going to get through another day. Worrying is something all of us do even in the absence of a worldwide pandemic. It is mostly a part of our lives and most of the times we don’t even recognize the fact that we are consumed by worry. We would even find ourselves in situations where we would not be able to do any work at house or where we study just because something else was running at the back of our mind that constantly kept bothering us. It may be some situation we couldn’t figure out a solution for. Anything for that matter it’s not about what keeps us worried but rather the fact that we choose to worry. Do you ever think that you could be someone whose life has everythin...


Worship as we see nowadays have brought this mindset in people that it has to have music in it. But worship not necessarily needs to have music in it. But, before we even go into what the bible tells about ‘worship’, let me show you what google or the dictionary talks about worship. Here we see that google defines worship as ‘the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity’ and so we see that it is an expression or in simple terms, it is an action that we show towards God.   Now let’s see what the bible says about worship. If we see in the old testament of the bible there are many instances where people worshipped God and it did not involve music at all. The very first place where the word worship is used in the Bible is when Abraham tells to his servants regarding sacrificing his son in Genesis 22:5   He said to his servants,  "Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you."   Here wor...


  WORSHIP is one of the most profoundly used words in the Christian world and in the church itself. Worship is often mistaken and misunderstood by the very people who believe in Christ or shortly to be called “CHRISTIANS”. I feel that we as Christians don’t really understand the true meaning of worship in its true sense and just do it for name’s sake. It is because of this that I believe, knowing why we need to worship is very essential. Isaiah 43:21 says like this, "The people which I formed for myself, that they might set forth my praise. "   What God is saying here is this,” I created humans to set forth praise to Me”. So, this means that the very purpose of every human on earth is to bring a sweet aroma of praise unto God. But, does this mean that worship is a rule that we must follow? And if we don’t do it does it lead to some consequences? Well, if we think that way then our perspective of worship is so wrong.   Let me tell you why. We humans were created with one s...